Class 2007
This year we had lots of fun together,3 Forbitable is a class where we work together as a class.Lets talk about the times we spent during camp.We were divided into groups of two and do things as a team or sometimes as a class.This enables us to deepen our bonds and to build up our class spirit.Through this camp we learn that team work is very important and we learn to treasure the friends that we have.Putting our thinking caps on to think of a camp cheer and item needs everyones contribution too so that we can put up a good one and not disgracing ourself.We also build up the bonds between our form teacher too,and learn how to encourage one another.
We had lots of fun other then camps example teachers day,new year,and others...During teachers day our whole class bought presents for teachers and when it was our form teacher's birthday we also celebrated it.We took lots of class photos together.